How does AI affect the Customer Experience?


The meaning of Customer Experience


The meaning of Customer Experience, or CX, refers to the feeling or experience that customers receive from a brand. It encompasses every interaction occurring between a customer and a brand throughout the entire journey, starting from the initial steps of getting acquainted with the brand, exploring the website, and reading user reviews. It extends to communication with customer service or public relations. The way a brand offers its services influences the feelings and experiences of all customers, serving as a crucial factor that affects their decision on whether to return for future services.

A positive customer impression doesn’t necessarily demand premium or luxurious services. It arises from providing simple and seamless customer service, leaving customers impressed and satisfied consistently. This, in turn, cultivates loyalty among customers.

Businesses in today’s era cannot evade personalization or the development of brands that understand their customers. Utilizing today’s digital tools and AI technology is essential to create a modern and impressive experience for customers at every level.


AI and customer service systems help businesses enhance their services to become more intelligent.


Today, Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology is utilized across various industries, including customer service and CRM systems.

When discussing the consumer experience with AI-powered services, Mr. Chansak provided an example of its application in CRM systems, particularly in communication through chat channels. Currently, businesses employ AI Chatbots capable of delivering immediate services and resolving customer issues. In cases of complex problems requiring human assistance, the AI Chatbot first analyzes and filters the issue.

Moreover, AI can selectively direct customer issues to employees with the appropriate skills, enhancing employee efficiency and ensuring consumers receive prompt and effective service without delays.

Regarding its primary objective, AI is employed to create a Mass Personalized Experience, tailoring services to meet the needs of numerous customers simultaneously. Businesses leverage AI to analyze customer behavior patterns, using them as templates to serve other customers with similar behaviors, interests, or information.

Additionally, the introduction of Conversational AI allows customers to receive services directly from AI, bypassing the need to interact with staff. Conversational AI also prioritizes the security of customers’ personal information, as no general official has the right to access such sensitive data.



Personalization: Enhance the customer experience by collecting thorough data.


Personalization, or individual marketing (Personalized Marketing), is considered an essential tool in creating a brand that understands customers’ preferences deeply, becoming the core of the business. However, in the highly competitive digital experience landscape, small businesses may struggle to compete with large organizations such as Amazon and Google, or early movers in the field, who possess vast amounts of customer data. Therefore, these businesses must employ alternative methods to access customer data, whether by leveraging IoT (Internet of Things), Machine Learning, or Marketing Tech (Martech).

The delivery of an impressive personalization experience is crucial today because users expect the best possible user experience. Providing a personalized experience can significantly enhance customer satisfaction and foster long-term user loyalty.

An exemplary brand in achieving this is Netflix, allowing users to rate their favorite series or movies. Utilizing Netflix’s artificial intelligence, the system tailors recommendations to the user’s preferences. This way, users can discover new content aligned with their interests, avoiding content they dislike.

Another illustration is the collaboration between KFC and Baidu, China’s leading search engine. They leverage AI and self-learning technology to predict customer orders. The facial recognition system anticipates orders based on the customer’s age and mood, providing tailored recommendations. Additionally, acting as a payment processor, it remembers previous orders, enabling the system to better understand customers’ tastes and preferences. This impressive ordering experience piques curiosity about the machine’s accuracy in predicting preferences.





Creating a customer experience may not adhere to a fixed formula mandated solely for successful executives. Instead, it emanates from surveying customer behavior, collecting data, and listening to customers’ voices. Subsequently, it is adapted to the services of each brand, each employing distinct strategies. We observe that modern consumers inevitably rely on technology.

There is a high likelihood that, in the future, advancements in technology and AI will unquestionably assist every business in enhancing customer experience and gaining a deeper understanding of their customers.


source: everydaymarketing


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